Surprises in SP Alamo

"The Alamo" business car has many surprises hidden away in the depths of its interior.  In one of the four staterooms, in a closet, a paper bag was found with a stack of kitchen towels.  These towels are marked SOUTHERN PACIFIC and PULLMAN.  Most of the towels are in mint condition but only yellowed from years of storage.
Linen dinner napkins were also found in a paper bag in another stateroom.  Some of these napkins were marked with the name, "The Alamo", on a small tag attached to the napkin.  Others had different railroad logos woven into the fabric, such as Burlington Route, California Zephyr, Southern Pacific and Milwaukee Road.  I also found many tablecloths of various designs.  I felt like a kid in a candy store, opening each drawe,r each cabinet door, each closet dorr, waiting to see what was inside.  So much joy and happiness, it makes all the work and time seem like nothing.

